My artwork is about how all these places (river, sea, home) connect to each other
and how we should treat this land well. It also shows all the land in detail. My artwork relates to the theme because it shows a river going through the land with kangaroo and emu footsteps going through it. It also shows the land and the sea. The sea has some starfish and the land has campsites and other things that connect to land. My artwork also has the names of all the places like river, sea, island and home which you can see.
Reconciliation means…
Reconciliation means people can become kind and nice to each other. It also
means Aboriginal peoples and non-Aboriginal people can build a respectful
relationship with each other. Reconciliation means when people can make an agreement with each other. It also means to improve relationships with Aboriginal peoples and to not be disrespectful, but to reunite with each other. To forgive people for some things and own up to what was disrespectful, then
become respectful. We should all be able to trust each other, be truthful to each other and not disrespect each other just because of the way we look.
Artist: Aria Machin