I am the lifeblood of this nation, Having prevailed since the time of creation, Like warm blood pulsing through a vein, I connect the Indigenous peoples on this vast plain.
For millennia there has been harmony, As they studied me observantly, Hunting, bathing, fishing and trading, Seasons, tides and rainfall, even newcomers, meanwhile, navigating.
From winding rivers to raging seas across this island home, The Australian newcomers now earnestly strive to atone,
For past mistakes and injustice galore, For meaningful reconciliation, and to restore.
So let us celebrate our shared identity, And work towards a balanced destiny, I am the lifeblood of this great nation, I am water, and I have prevailed since the dawn of creation.
Reconciliation means…
To me, reconciliation means making up for past mistakes. The new settlers
arrived in the First Nations people’s land. They taught the Indigenous Australians how they lived and they stole Indigenous Australian children. For all of these mistakes, we must reconcile with the traditional owners of our land, no matter how late.
Author’s statement:
In this poem I have tried to demonstrate that the Indigenous peoples of Australia showed great reliance and reverence towards water and their natural surroundings. They have observed the water for many thousands of years and have gained great knowledge about how to manage, locate and care for water. First Nations peoples have a great connection to water, which brings them balance. The water is part of their identity. Water is the lifeblood of Indigenous Australian nations and connects all Indigenous Australians.
Author: Kiran George