The Events that Led to the 1967 Referendum

The 1967 Referendum is seen as a turning point in Australian History but why these adjustments needed to be made are seen in the 150 years before this event. When the States were federated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were excluded from the Census.

Between 1905 and 1909 WA and NSW passed the The Aborigines Protection Act this Act allowed the state to remove Aboriginal children if they were seen to be neglected. In 1915 Amendments in NSW to this act allowed the state to take children without needing to prove neglect leading to the stolen generation.

There were other important activism movements and government involvement as broken down in this resource:

This timeline allows you and your students to understand the importance of activism and Australia’s history with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.

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Many of these resources and activities have been developed in consultation with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) to ensure that the program meets NSW curriculum outcomes for Stages 3, 4 & 5.