Caring for Country 2020 Finalists

Orana Steiner School

A Reconciled Friendship

2021, Writing

Minjarra was strolling through the bushland; he had no idea where he was going. The sky was blue with a storm cloud here and there. He could smell the wattle already, the floral fragrance wafted into his nostrils. He could hear the rosellas chirping in the eucalyptus trees. He could taste a smoky campfire nearby; he was following the trail of smoke. He could feel the twigs snapping under his feet.
“Hey there! The voice made him jump; he had wandered right into the camp without noticing.
“Who are you?” Minjarra replied.
“Who am I? I am Steve! Who are you?”
“I’m Minjarra, what are you doing?” asked Minjarra.
“I’m trying to cook some chicken.”
“Any luck?” Minjarra asked.
“No.” said Steve.
Suddenly a monitor lizard with yellow stripes on its neck and tail burst out of the bush, grabbed the chicken, and ran off.
Later, they were walking through the bush, and Minjarra pointed out some berries to Steve,
“These are edible, by the way, not poisonous.” Steve tried one,
“Very starchy.” he said, “I hope it doesn’t make me fart.” Minjarra chortled, “Ha!”.
It was getting dark, and they had nowhere to shelter for the night, so they started to look for a place to sleep. They suddenly discovered a cave that was dug into a cliff-face. There was a striped, yellow tail sticking out of a crevice that was covered in moss.
“Hey!” said Steve, as he pulled the lizard out of its hole, “Where did you put that chicken!?”
Minjarra showed Steve how to cook the lizard. First, he made a fire and let it burn down to the embers. Then, he rolled the lizard into the ashes and covered it in embers. He waited for a little, before taking it out, finding it soft, and when he poked it with a stick, the flesh fell right off the bone.
Steve watched as Minjarra pulled the lizard out of the embers, brushing the ashes off. He began to pull chunks off by holding the legs and passed some to Steve.
“This is soft bush tucker, traditionally for old folks, but it tastes rather good.”
They sat together eating the lizard, contentedly, until Minjarra asked Steve if he had ever had bush tucker before.
“Have you ever tasted lizard before?”
“I’ve never really eaten anything like this actually.” said Steve with his mouth full of lizard flesh.
“You don’t really have to chew much, that’s why it’s for the old folks. Usually, we clear out the tall grass by lighting small fires, that way it is easier to find them – lucky we did not need to do that this time, thanks to you yanking it out by its tail.”
Steve sat quietly chewing the tasty meat and watched Minjarra expertly tear away more delicious chunks.
“I guess I should thank you for sharing your bush tucker knowledge with me. I would have been pretty hungry without the chicken.” Steve mentioned.
Minjarra chuckled, “Tastes better than chicken anyway.”

Manly Vale Public School

Marlu the Uncaring Kangaroo

2021, Primary School, Writing

One hot sunny day a small caring koala and a silly little kangaroo were having fun. They were playing near a thick rainforest and a gigantic orange outback.
“Let’s go play on Skull Rock tomorrow, Colo!” Marlu the Kangaroo shouted, “Sure,”.
Colo was a grey Koala with a big pair of ears which came in handy when spying on others. She had the friendliest and kindest heart in the entire outback, known everywhere because she always cared for the land. Marlu was fun, daring and didn’t care about anything except playing, only known for her magnet to danger. They were the least likely pair of friends as they were complete opposite to each other.
While the sun slowly descended behind the duo they quietly walked home. One of them heading to a bunch of gum trees and the other to a troupe of Roo’s. After a restless hour, Marlu finely snoozed happily, excited to keep playing the next morning.
Early the next day as the sun rose, Marlu woke up making a huge racket. It woke up the entire outback, but Marlu did not care at all. She was too disobedient to even wait for Colo to come, so she went straight to where Colo lived. She saw Colo climbing up a long tree and decided to surprise her.
She hid behind a big green bush, waiting for the perfect moment not realising she was destroying a bush. The bush came back up and hit Marlu. She got annoyed, so she pushed it to the ground. It came back up again and she started hysterically squashing the plant, repeatedly getting angry…very angry. “Seriously!!!!!” she screamed. “You silly, dumb plant”
A scratchy hand pulled her from the irritating and yucky green bush filled with disgusting insects. “Stop doing that,” An unfamiliar voice whispered. The TREE was holding her!!! She screamed louder than everyone in the world combined. She was scared to the bone. Her heart skipped a beat. A million thoughts rushed through her mind, the tree moved and was holding her! “Let go of me, you rough tree!” she screeched in excruciating pain.
“We as the land and plants have watched your and your friend’s behaviour toward us and we see a major difference. She treats us as people and living beings instead of a silly green thing to hide behind, as you do. We do not like your actions! But Since we are so wise and generous we will give you one last chance to prove yourself worthy in this magnificent world, so be warned any poor manners toward nature you will suffer the consequences!” It explained.
As Marlu was still in awe and amazement it took her a minute to digest the information and when she understood everything she closed her eyes, rubbed them and looked up at the tree again as if waking up from a long nap. The tree was still there and it had talked! She ran out of the tree’s arms and didn’t stop till she was miles away. Panting she sat on a rock, so tired.
She looked around her surroundings and finally saw everything the way she should have. The caring way that Colo looked at the nature. She kept running, trying not to step on the bush’s, not the irritating and yucky green bush but the beautiful green bush. She finally found Colo and explained what had just happened and that she had finally understood that the land and plants are living beings and need to be treated with care.
“OMG, wow! I’m so glad you at last have realised that!” Colo replied. From then on Marlu was always kind to the land, but not just kind; she was just that little bit kinder than needed. Somehow that story (of Marlu being mean) had spread all across the land giving Marlu the reputation of Marlu the Uncaring Kangaroo.

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Many of these resources and activities have been developed in consultation with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) to ensure that the program meets NSW curriculum outcomes for Stages 3, 4 & 5.